Split Payment Entry

Program/Screen: RARMTW/RARMTW10


Use this popup window to enter split payment information for a cash customer transaction.  You can split the customer's payment among multiple payment type codes.


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Access this popup window by entering S in the Method (Payment) field for a cash transaction in the programs listed in the Where Used section below.  Split the amount paid among two or more payment type codes, and then press Enter to close the window and continue with the transaction.


Where Used

Create/Update Rental - Review

Equipment Sales - Review

Sales Order/Invoice - Review

Rental Return - Review of Charges

Work Order Review



Total amount due

Displays the total amount due for the contract.


Total amount paid

Displays the total amount paid on the contract.  This is calculated by adding all of the amounts entered on the lines below.



Enter the amounts for each payment type.


The total amount due on the contract is 575.62.  The customer pays 500.00 by check and the remaining 75.62 is put on a credit card.  Enter 500.00 in the first Amount field and 75.62 on the line below that.



Enter the payment type code that is appropriate for that amount.  If you do not know the code, press F4 to search for it.


The total amount due on the contract is 575.62.  The customer pays 500.00 by check and the remaining 75.62 is put on a credit card.  Enter the payment code for check next to the 500.00, and enter the payment code for the appropriate credit card next to the 75.62.



Displays a description for the payment type code.


Function Keys

Function Key



Help.  Place your cursor in a field and press F1 to access online help for that field.  Place your cursor outside of any field, and press F1 to access online help at the program level.


Search.  Place your cursor in a searchable field and press F4 to access a lookup window or more advanced search screen.


Cancel/Previous.  Exit the program or move back a screen.



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